The end of November already! I can't quite believe it. When we are busy the days, weeks and months disappear; suddenly Christmas is almost upon us and another year is done. Do any of us really take the time to switch off and fully unwind? I can only remember a handful of instances per year where I actually do this properly. I feel fully relaxed when time slows down. Often it can take days. If you're in the right frame of mind and well practised in 'slowing down' - it can take just minutes to realise that time is indeed a very abstract concept. I recall being in the Cairngorms earlier this year, on my own, in a lovely little remote 'Artist's cottage', surrounded by mountains. One morning I decided to do absolutely nothing (not something I am particularly good at) except sit on the sofa with the light streaming in, watching the clouds passing over, and the ever-changing light. It was a fully meditative experience and I can't recall feeling that relaxed again all year. I could feel waves of healing energy coursing through my veins. It was blissful. Time gathers us up and forces us ever onwards; we need to show time who is boss, just stop and take the time out that we need before we burn out!
I hadn't actually meant to say any of that, this was meant to be a simple 'latest photography news' piece. This is the joy of blogging however, it's my space and anything goes. Please excuse my waffle! ;)
Ok, so I do have a few things to report. Last week I had a great chat with Mark Cleghorn on the 'F8 Talk Photography' session, in collaboration with Hahnemuhle UK and the Photographer Academy. This session was much more informal than my usual talks and lectures, quite simply a fun chat! We talked about some of my personal favourite images, each of which was chosen as they had a story or were a kind of creative revelation. We also talked about printing and papers - you can now watch this hour long chat on YouTube at the link here, so grab yourself a cuppa!
I will mention the C word again... Should anyone be interested in prints as Christmas gifts, now is the time to get those orders in. Additionally vouchers are also available in varying denominations and can be used towards prints, workshops, boxsets or online tuition. Please see the store and workshops pages.
That's all for now. I'll finish the year with a December update and more comprehensive wrap up of 2022, including plans for 2023. Have fun folks and don't let time destroy your inner peace, remember to find some space to breathe!
Best wishes
